Vedanta and the "I"

Advaita Vedanta posits that "Tat Tvam Asi" -- the ultimate unity of the individual Atman and total Brahman. Realization of this unity does not fundamentally change anything about how your life is. Rather, you just realize that the feeling of life itself -- the feeling of "I" that is separate from the world around you -- is merely an emergent property of the world around you, and it has no being or reality of its own. Often people will ask, "Who am I?" But rather, understand that the "I" isn't even real, being but an emergent property of the world around us. Moksha is thus the stage when you stop labeling it as "I".

Hinduism and historicity

todo (the traditional de-emphasis, and recent emphasis, on historicity when considering Hindu legends and traditions)

reimagining in English

todo (can you write something like the Vedas in English? profound meaning that indicates a higher reality)


todo (can re-evaluating the role of shruti provide a satisfactory response to Ambedkar's challenge in Annihilation of Caste?)